Thank you for considering UK International School for your child. This section provides all the information you need for making an application to join the school. We provide both offline and online school with support tutors who are sound qualified. Our goal is to provide academic excellence through a broad, balanced and inclusive curriculum enriched by a strong international dimension. Also, to develop the students to respect their own culture and the culture of others whilst celebrating the rich diversity of languages, values and traditions. In addition, to provide students with the linguistic, creative and social skills to move confidently beyond the boundaries of their own communities as they prepare for the next stage in their lives. Our unique curriculum encourages our students to learn to be enquiring, self-reflecting, resilient global citizens.
- Parent(s) will initially collect the Admission Test Form(s) from the school office.
- Parent(s) should submit the filled in form(s) within the given date(s) and collect the Admit Card(s) for Admission Test for their children.
- On the submission of filled in Admission Test Form(s) parent(s)must submit the BirthCertificate(s) issued by City Corporation /Union Council/Clinic/Hospital Vaccination Card etc. and two (02) stamp sized photographs of the applicant(s).
- Applicant(s) must face both written and viva.
- Note: No written test will be held for play Group or reception Student(s).
- Parents (both Father and Mother) must be present for Viva.
- Applicant(s) approved for admission will be notified through the school office Notice Board.
- Applicant(s) eligible for admission will be asked to collect main Application Form(s) fromthe school office and submit the filled in form(s) on the specific date(s) along with therequired papers and documents. Main Application Form(s) may be collected on any working day on the payment of the requisite fee (from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm on all working days).
- Admission Form(s) and other form(s) must be duly and completely filled in by the parents. Admission should be taken within the given date(s) from the School Office. Three passport & one stamp sized photographs of student(s), and one stamp sized and one passport sized photograph, of each of the parents or guardians must be submitted to the School Office during admission.
- The name of the candidate(s) will be registered during the issuance of Application Form(s).
- Enrolment of old student(s) should be completed as per schedule given from the office.
- In exceptional cases, application(s) for new admission into any class during any time of the year will be under special consideration by the School Authority.
- Register and make your online application. Dates will be announced later for application submission. The admission procedure of UK International School is very easy, simple and user friendly. For any further queries, please Contact Us